Fit in fun on Friday!

Posted August 28th, 2009 by Elaine Hastings, RD - Nutrition Expert and filed in Fit In Fitness Friday

Keeping your family active is especially challenging as kids go back-to-school. With the pressures of homework and busy schedules, it’s easy to fall into the routine of watching television or playing video games after school.

It’s important that families be active to help reduce stress, maintain a healthy weight and live a more balanced lifestyle. Here are some ideas for keeping you and your family active:

•Play catch (football, baseball, softball, or Frisbee)
•Make chores such as vacuuming, sweeping or raking, your chance to be active
•Go for family walks after meal times
•Limit recreational screen time (television, video games, and computer) to less than 2 hours per day

I recommend scheduling regular times for activity throughout the week so it becomes a habit, rather than an afterthought.